Saturday, January 14, 2006

Why I'm undecided and other random thoughts

A wise man (not a Canadian unfortunately) once said: Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.

Well, it seems Martin and Harper are the wise men (Ok, maybe "wise" men is more accurate) and Canada is the poor, unfortunate unicorn. Which works out well for Layton. A mustachiod unicorn is not a pretty sight. Trust me.

I think I've finally realized something substancial: This election if anything just proves how drastically dysfunctional confederation has become.

All the political parties have basically been reduced to "regional" entities. In general, Harper and the Tories represent the West, Martin and the Liberals represent Ontario, Gille and le Bloc of course Québec, and Layton seems to best represent downtown Toronto (even though Manitoba and Saskatchewan have NDP Premiers, I can't Latyon's message really resonating with voters n either province because it really strikes me, someone from the GTA, as a very urban Toronto message). And if you want to get picky, I guess the Greens take Vancouver to some tiny extent. Where does this leave the Atlantic provinces and the territories? Not sure really (more on that later).

We have become a country of regional blocs. How is that healthy? Honestly, this election is sort of pointless in the sense of coming to a national consensus about the eventual winning party.

Because whether the Grits, the Tories or the Sex Party wins the election, whole provinces will feel very left out. Notice how you keep reading things like, "This whole election outcomes depends on the voters in Ontario voting Liberal or Conservative". Wouldn't you feel kind of ignored if you lived in PEI? (well, then again PEI may not be the best example because of its...uh...size and all, but you get my drift).

I dunno, maybe it's always been like this (or maybe it's gradually gotten this way) but it seems to me that more and more the Canadian electorate is getting distilled along regional lines.

People always talk about the Liberals representing Ontario/Federalist Quebec, the Tories Alberta etc...I never remember hearing that sort of thing in the '80s when Mulroney was PM. Although, that could have been because I was 6-years old when Brian was king. hmmmm....

Oh, here's a random thought: Don't today's music videos in general really, really suck? I WANT MY '80S MTV! not that I watched it. I watched MuchMusic but no one ever wrote that into a the lyrics of a song (as far as I know).


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