Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Two more reasons to vote for Duceppe...

Yesterday, I found out two things:

1)Paul Martin's Candian Steampship Lines uses a tax loophole to pay only 2% corporate tax to the Canadian government by replacing the Canadian flag with that of the Bahamas on company ships:

The Bahamas is a “flag of convenience” country with lower labour standards..."according to http://www.cbc.ca/disclosure/archives/030401_csl/flags.html

The ships operate as "sweat-ships" where workers (along with the Canadian flags and the name of Martin's father on one of the ships, all the Canadian crews were replaced with crews from countries with low labour standards such as Indonesia) earn between $1 and $2 per hour and are denied overtime pay. CSL's senior vice president claims CSL is "required" to do this to remain competitive.

2) Stephen Harper is writing a book about hockey.

CONCLUSION: I'm still uncertain about which of the above is more disturbing. I just hope that if on the odd chance Harper actually becomes PM and his book is published, he spares the Canadian public the humiliation of having to see pictures of him attempting to robotically skate around a hockey rink decked up in a Flames uniform.


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