Motorist vs Courier ... PM-designate vs outgoing PM?
The photos taken of the confrontation (which might be an understatement) between the bike courier and the dude in the van have been causing quite a stir in the old blog-o-sphere since they were first posted at (which I think has since crashed from all the traffic)...over 100,000 hits apparently!
Even the Toronto Star has reported on the fight, giving it first page prominence in today's paper. It's only time before Geraldo and FOX News arrive in Toronto to spin their own coverage of the brawl ("It was an incident of Biblical proportions!" – Geraldo). Be prepared.
However, most people may not be aware that a similar incident occured not hours earlier in Ottawa between Paul Martin and Stephen Harper. Seems Martin was taking one last long goodbye at the Ottawa landscape on his trusty PMO bike (soon to be property of the new PM) when he noticed Stephen Harper throwing campaign promises out of the window of his van.
Martin being against litter and throwing campaign promises out the window, immediately threw the shredded stump speech back into Harper's van, yelling "You're not gonna litter Ottawa with failed promises on my watch, buddy! And it's still, technically speaking, my watch!"
To which Harper replied, "What about the GST, huh? Or the national daycare program? Or the 'democratic deficit' or ...."
That was when Martin took out a marker from his pocket and wrote "Bush ass-kisser" in huge letters on Harper's van. Harper then responded by dumping his can of worms (which was already open) on top of Martin.
Then Harper got out of the van and they both went at it while a crowd of astonished bystanders looked on in apparent shock.
The fight was finally broken up when the pair saw American Ambassador David Wilkins drive by in a tank, headed straight for Parliament Hill.
Nice one. I particularly like the one of Harper stomping on the bike- good photoshopping!
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